Our community-based intervention program takes a bottom-up approach to combat illegal evictions and prevent the loss of New York City’s precious rent-stabilized and rent-controlled housing stock. The program focuses on identifying tenants at risk of homelessness and addressing their urgent need to stay in their homes. By ensuring that these homes remain safe, affordable, and legally protected, we help preserve the stability of communities and combat displacement across the city.
Housing Assistance
Assist individuals and families in understanding their rights, negotiating with landlords, and legal assistance. ​
Case management services, connecting clients with resources to address underlying causes of housing instability.
Legal representation to tenants facing eviction, ensuring they have fair access to the legal system and protecting their housing rights.

Affordable Housing Preservation
Affordable housing preservation refers to efforts to maintain housing units that are affordable to low-income households. This includes preventing rent increases, rehabilitating existing units, and ensuring long-term affordability. Preserving affordable housing helps prevent homelessness, supports economic stability, and promotes inclusive communities where residents of various income levels can live and thrive.
Regulatory Tools: Rent stabilization and rent control laws regulate rent increases and provide stability for tenants in affordable housing units. These laws vary by jurisdiction but generally aim to prevent excessive rent hikes.
Rent-stabilized units (15 buildings) repaired in partnership with NYC Housing Preservation & Development Code Enforcement Programs: Proactive Preservation Initiative and Alternative Enforcement Programs.
apartments are preserved through repairs and upgrades.
families received rent reductions due to conditions in their apartments and public areas.