Tenant Organizing and Leadership Development Program
A tenants association is a union of all. When tenants work together, they can apply the most pressure to make a landlord provide services, make repairs, and stop harassment - and get the best possible home for the rent they are paying. A strong tenant association can force a landlord to listen; as a group, tenants will have more leverage to negotiate, file complaints with city and state agencies, get help from elected officials, go to court, or – if push comes to shove – go on rent strike. There are no precise rules for starting a tenant association. Nevertheless, based upon the experience of thousands of associations, we can provide guidelines for forming an effective tenant association.

With a group, tenants have more leverage when negotiating with landlords or property managers. This can be crucial for addressing issues like rent increases, maintenance problems, or building improvements.
Tenants' associations often provide valuable information about tenants' rights, rental laws, and best practices for managing rental issues. This can empower tenants with knowledge and resources to handle various situations more effectively.

Working together, tenants can address safety concerns more effectively, such as improving building security or advocating for better lighting in common areas.​ Overall, a tenants' association can enhance the quality of living and empower tenants by providing a unified voice and a structured approach to addressing common issues.

Interested in Organizing?
P.A.'L.A.N.T.E. provides help with forming tenant associations. If your building has lack of repairs and hazardous conditions contact us for more information.